Caitlin + Goran's wedding was beautiful like no other with the amazing late 18th century Woolverton Inn serving as the backdrop to their incredibly sunny summer day and we felt so lucky to be the one to capture it all! My oh-so-talented associate photographer Natalie was by my side for the day and between our two eyes, visions + cameras, we photographed the gorgeous couple from every angle, all of the elegant details they had hand-selected, and all of the wild party moments of their friends + family because oh man, was it a party! The whole day was just such a pleasure to be a part of and it was just such a magical wedding to witness. Such a big congratulations to Caitlin + Goran!
Pear Tree Greetings
Here’s a confession that will shock no one who knows me – I am a
perfectionist. That means for birthdays and holidays I generally create my
own cards be...