Monday, August 17, 2009

newborn portraits

This week was filled with activity, and I am buzzing with energy and creativity. There are projects in the works, new opportunities being presented, and what is most important, is that I am swimming in it all: graciously swimming, with smooth backstrokes, not the attempted butterfly strokes of the 'trying to make the high school swim team' days.

Despite the heat of Upstate NY, I am feeling cool, calm, and for the most part, collected. I guess I could feel overwhelmed with each event that I fill my calendar boxes up with, but really, the excitement of keeping busy with art and photography outweighs the onsent of a panic attack.

What I have been up to: I photographed a newborn for the first time which was an incredibly interesting experience. At only two weeks old, I could swear this baby is going to be the next Kate Moss. Also on my agenda has been weddings, bands, and journalistic work that I will be trying to incorporate into my upcoming art opening on the tentative date of September 25th, 2009.

Stay tuned for round two of photographic connection with Will Dailey and The Rivals: I will be at their August 28th show in The Bowery Ballroom and for more information about my collaborative "trying to break through the noise by creating more" art show that will incorporate several art forms including: painting, photography, video art, and music - to be held at 201 Dey St, Ithaca NY, above Hickey's Music Store. And in the mean time, you can take a look at the beautiful baby I had the pleasure of capturing.

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